The Mayor and City Council will assemble Tuesday at Oglethorpe University in Lupton Auditorium at 7:00 PM. There will be two meetings. The first meeting will be a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. The second meeting will be a Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting. Agendas are available for download to the right in addition to the 115 page agenda packet. Items on the Council Meeting Agenda:
| Downloads: |
- ACTION ITEM: Consideration and approval of franchise agreement for payment of franchise fees to the City for use of the City Right of Way for electrical lines and mayor to sign and execute agreement
- ACTION ITEM: Consideration and approval of R2013-02-01 a resolution requesting amendment to the Charter to set term limits
- ACTION ITEM: Schedule of Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings
- ACTION ITEM: Approval of estimated budget for court build out
- ACTION ITEM: Consideration and approval of appointments of commissions, boards and authorities
- ACTION ITEM: Mayor’s Nomination of Court Judges with Motion for Ratification by Council
(Oaths to follow) - ACTION ITEM: Order establishing offenses payable through the City of Brookhaven Traffic Violations Bureau
- ACTION ITEM: Consideration and approval of Resolution R2013-02-02 adopting the Municipal Court Fee Schedule to offset expenses and defray the cost of operation of the Brookhaven Municipal Court and for other purposes
Summary of Agenda Packet Contents:
- Memo with Staff Recommendation to Approve CBEYOND contract and supporting documents
- Code Compliance Sweeps and Inspections Policy Document with extrapolations and explanations
- Memo with Staff Recommendation to Approve the attached (included of Agenda Packet) Ordinance, Property Maintenance and Housing Standards, Chapter 18 - Nuisances, with an effective date of
April 16, 2013. - Inspection Report Documents
- Memo with Staff Recommendation to Adopt edits to Article II of Chapter 15 of the City's Code of Ordinances. Edit's are marked and visible.
- Memo with Staff recommendation for Council to carefully review the attached proposed Budgetary Policy (included in Agenda Packet)
- Budgetary Policy Documents with Recommended Expenditures Listed
- Franchise Agreement with Georgia Power
- Schedule of Fines and Fees for Recorders Court