Thursday - February 7th, 2013 @ 11am
Aging services is facing big budget cuts for both AFY 2013 and FY2014; so it is extremely important that seniors and their advocates stand together & remind our legislators that healthy people cost less and we want to see the cuts restored to the aging services budgets! Please join us on the Washington Street steps of the Capitol for this very important rally!!
Thursday - February 7th, 2013 @ 11am
Aging services is facing big budget cuts for both AFY 2013 and FY2014; so it is extremely important that seniors and their advocates stand together & remind our legislators that healthy people cost less and we want to see the cuts restored to the aging services budgets! Please join us on the Washington Street steps of the Capitol for this very important rally!!
Cuts which must be restored in Fiscal Year 2013 Amended:
Cuts which must be restored in Fiscal Year 2014:
Georgia Council on AgingThe Council was created in 1977 through state legislation(PDF) to:
- Advocate with and on behalf of aging Georgians and their families to improve their quality of life
- Educate, advise, inform and make recommendations concerning programs for the elderly in Georgia
- Serve in an advisory capacity on aging issues to the Governor, General Assembly, Board of Human Services, and all other state agencies
Current GCOA Newsletter |